Restore and Renew

"About BLOOM" 

SEEDS Restorative Curriculum and Practice;

BLOOM: Behavior/Bothering, Listening/Learning, Options, Outcome, Mindset/Moving forward, serves as an opportunity for Tier 1 and Tier 2 students to dig deeper within themselves to discuss their true thoughts and feelings of what may have warranted their undesirable behavior. Students are able to grow and nurture positive SEL skills that they are able to access immediately through active participation in their own unique process of learning.

BLOOM Room: This will serve as a space for students to explore and implement social and emotional skills and appropriate coping mechanisms. Students will apply decision-making skills to deal responsibly with daily academic and social responsibilities. SEEDS will involve staff, parents, and the school community in everyday SEL interventions. Working through the acronym:

B- Behavior/Bothering ‘What’s bothering you? What behavior did you display?’

L- Learning Opportunity ‘I/you am/are here to listen and learn.’

O- Options ‘What are my options? What decision did I make?’

O- Outcome ‘What would the outcome be, had I chosen a different behavior?’

M- Mindset/Moving forward ‘What is my new mindset moving forward? How can I respond better in tough situations?’ 

The Bloom Room will be staffed by a SEEDS Facilitator that will work closely with the necessary staff to ensure the best outcomes for the students.